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How Competitor Emails Can Perfect Your Own

A rising tide, as you may have heard, elevates all ships. Competitors may be a huge pain in the neck in a free market. They may, nevertheless, be your biggest source of inspiration. They keep you from being too comfortable or set in your ways.

Here’s what to look for in rival emails and how to use it to your advantage.

Join the email lists of your rivals

This may seem paradoxical, but in order to comprehend your rivals’ emails, you must first view them.

However, just joining a mailing list is insufficient. To get the most out of rival emails, set up a folder in your inbox where all of their emails are routed. Then you’ll have a one-of-a-kind location where you may go on a regular basis to evaluate rival emails. You’ll also be able to simply compare one competitor’s emails with another and get an idea of how often they arrive.

An email from uber
An email from Lyft to compare with their competitor's email (aka uber)

Keep an eye out for incentives in rival emails

A good deal is something that everyone appreciates. Email marketers are aware of this, which is why discounts are sent widely on both holidays and normal days.

Not all discounts, however, are made equal. Some are more enticing to consumers by nature than others.

As a result, you should pay close attention to the kind of deals your rivals are making and how they compare to your own. Regardless matter what you uncover, utilize that knowledge to build future offers.

Footwear doesn’t always come cheap, so a message like this is probably going to attract readers at first glance, if their own shoes need replacing.

Determine the persona of rival emails

While you may have numerous rivals that provide comparable goods and target a similar consumer, this does not necessarily imply that your brand personas are the same.

When reviewing rival emails, pay attention to the overall personality shown by your competition. Pay close attention to their topic line, body content, and template design to obtain the greatest idea of this. All of these will give away their brand identification.

understanding your competitors' emails can help you perfect your own.

You’ll not only appeal to a fresh audience that hasn’t yet signed up for a mailing list (or hasn’t found a cause to interact), but you’ll also operate as a counterbalance to your rivals.


Though email marketing often entails sitting at a computer and obsessing over data, it’s critical to realize that you’re not operating in a vacuum.

There are other email marketers in your sector working hard to develop the finest campaigns possible. It would be folly to disregard their accomplishments—or mistakes.

Both may be utilized to feed your own creativity.