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5 Inspiring Creative Email Campaigns Examples

We've prepared five very inspiring examples on how to take your email campaign to the next level.With the Internet constantly evolving and growing, one is certain - Email is the best marketing tool. According to statistics, 59% of respondents say that marketing emails influence their purchases. The same percentage of ...

What are the Advantages of Mobile-First Email Design?

Email marketing is a business card for communicating with subscribers. Each person, opening a message, pays attention to the visual and then to the text. The structure and content of the email: graphics, illustrations, colors, fonts - all play a vital role in reading the email to the end and ...

Anatomy of an Email: Gordon Ramsay Restaurants

1. If you work in marketing or communications for a restaurant group like Gordon Ramsay Restaurants, chances are good that you're tasked with sending out a ton of information – restaurant openings, menu updates, event invitations, etc. – in a single monthly newsletter. So how do you format all that content ...

7 Free Tools to Improve your Email Designs

Sure, you may be satisfied with your current email designs for your distribution lists, but you can't afford to become complacent. That's because there's more competition than ever before. For example, it's estimated 269 billion emails are sent every day with an average click-through rate of less than 13%. Even though billions of ...

The 6  Best Project Management Tools for Small Businesses

Small firm owners and workers commonly share project management duties.Many small company workers, regardless of job title, do project management chores. Having tools to expedite and organize project management procedures, especially if they're shared, may be useful.We've compiled the top project management tools for small companies to help you enhance ...

Email-Safe fonts: How to Stay Compatible and On-brand

Every day, most individuals are overwhelmed with emails. As a result, you want your emails to stand out among the hundreds that your subscribers get. You could be tempted to be creative with your typefaces as well as your prose. However, it is critical to choose email-safe fonts to guarantee ...

Create Call-to-Action Designs that Cross the Finish Line

Modern marketers realize they can't succeed without email. Email marketing is the preferred route. It has the most engagement of any channel.Sending a few emails and waiting isn't enough for an effective email marketing strategy. Email campaigns need effort. Master persuasion and conversion.Emails must be used to push action. Your ...