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5 Habits that Kill your Email Deliverability

Email deliverability measures the success of your emails reaching the inbox without being bounced or flagged as spam.

In this piece, we’ll look at seven things you may be doing, sometimes without even realizing it, that are hurting your email deliverability.

Too many graphics in email design

Spam screening is now focused on sending reputation rather than content. However, picture to text ratio is still vital in keeping content balance.

Remember that many email clients and devices are not set up to show photos by default. If your email is nearly completely made up of photos that aren’t shown by the recipient’s email client, the text of your email becomes unintelligible and definitely not something your client can readily engage with.

Make use of URL shorteners

The use of URL shorteners is a well-known tactic employed by spammers to conceal the nature of the URLs they link to and, as a result, ranks high on the list of reasons spam filters might ban your emails, even if the links themselves are legal.

Use URL shorteners sparingly, and avoid using the entire URL link as text in the body of your email. Create a hyperlink with the proper content instead, and confirm that all of your links go to authentic sites and are valid and working.

Accept a single opt-in

When individuals choose to join up for your email list, they will get a confirmation email that they must utilize to confirm their membership.

Opt-in protects you against false signups and spambots, but verified opt-in lists outperform in nearly every engagement measure.

You may easily enhance your sending reputation by sending to a more engaged and active list by employing verified opt-in.

Create subject lines that are ambiguous or spam-flagging.

Your subject line is the welcome sign of your email, and problems with subject lines are frequently as basic as this: If your subject line makes your email appear like spam, people will believe it is.

Avoid ALL CAPITALS, overuse of punctuation (!!! ), and use symbols and SP$C!AL CH@R@CT3RZ only when essential.

Also, make sure that your subject lines correspond to the content of your email and that you utilize personalisation when communicating with your readers about what the email includes.

Leave your subscribers in the dust

Prevention is always preferable than cure. This may be an ancient saying, but it is absolutely true. In the realm of email marketing, this implies you’ve created a strong, permission-based list of receivers who have specifically agreed to receive your communications.

However, maximizing the value of your subscriber list and the degree of engagement of your receivers requires more than just developing a list of opt-in recipients. It requires timeliness and the ability to make a strong first impression on your subscribers.

Don’t keep them waiting too long for a response. Send an email registration that increases engagement and clicks instead.


Email deliverability is an ever-changing facet of email marketing that every marketer should be aware of. You may increase the delivery of your emails and the ROI of your email marketing by following some of the guidelines and better positioning your campaigns for success.